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Poly Studio P5 Full HD Webcam with Sync 20 Wireless Speakerphone

GBP 249.99

Product Detail

FeaturesResolution: Full HD 1920 x 1080pAutomatic low-light compensation and brilliant coloursPremium speakerphone and webcam comboPoly Lens ManagementPoly Lens App to customise your compatible personal devicesThe Poly Studio P5 Full HD Webcam with Sync 20 Wireless Speakerphone is a professional webcam and wireless speakerphone kit for the high-performance professional working in an enclosed workspace. Crystal-clear audio and video in one easy to use and setup package. The Poly Studio P5 kit will kick your video calls into another gear. It starts with a Poly Studio P5 webcam with precision-tuned camera optics that will make you look so good you’ll own the conversation. Pair with a pro-grade headset or smart speakerphone for incredible audio clarity. It’s even simple for IT to manage with Poly Lens. Everything you need However you work, we've got you covered Packaged together as one, the Poly Studio P5 Kit is super-simple to setup and lets you choose the audio device that best suits how and where you work.

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